Posted by: Turkadactyl | October 5, 2008


It has been a while since my last post.  I wish I had lots to write but I do not.  Last weeks group was another adult group.  The theme of the week was storytelling.  As the theme suggest there was a lot of storytelling.  It was a week that I myself felt disconnected from the guests.  They went on a few outings and I was not part of most of the outings.  We were introduced to the upcoming winter weather last week.  We felt the presence of the north wind for most of the week.  The way Camas Bay is positioned we are sheltered from most wind directions except north.

I posted video footage on Turkavision of the Camas Dactyl in action.  if you were able to make it to part four “Singing In The Rain” you may have seen the sudden downpour of rain.  We had lot more of that last week as well as strong north winds that reached 50 plus km/hour.  My beloved Ferocious is not water and wind proof.  I did enjoy playing in the wind on our tidal island.  The wind was that strong on Thursday that I would lean forward into the wind.  Mrs. Turkdactyl filmed some footage.  I may upload a video onto Turkavision.

I am still feeling tired.  Mrs. Turkadactyl and I earned an extra day off because we have worked here for a designated amount of days.  We will have two and a half day off this week.   I hope the extra day helps me feel refreshed.  I hope it is the long work days that have caught up to me and is the primary reason why I am still feeling tired.

I wish I could say more but that’s about it.(Mrs. T here with an exciting news bulletin:  I went swimming last night here at Camas!  I am proud because the water is…cold.  “I’m a real girl now!”)  Our time is coming to a close at Camas.  We will be leaving on October 23.  We have approximately two and half weeks left.  I think we chose the right amount of time to be here.  It will be sad to leave, however, I feel that I will be ready to say farewell on the twenty-third.  I am looking forward to seeing my grandparents as well as traveling around Europe.

Please keep checking in.  The weather was really nice today.  I hope to take Ferocious out for another drive or two this week.  I should go to bed now.  I’m responsible for breakfast tomorrow and it is best that I go to bed soon.

Click here for my next entry in the Walker’s Choose Us A Flavour contest.  Doug, you may remember the meal in the photo.  The orange ginger stirfry is the meal I will most likely make when I am assigned to dinner duty.  I wanted to enter Lobster and Garlic but I forgot to take of a photo of that dish.


  1. My man, be of good cheer. Your guy Strudwick scored the winning goal in the last pre-season for EDM. I wish them and you the best this fall. Enjoy Europe and remember that you made one American “adult” (allegedly) a very happy camper at Camas with our hockey talk, your reflection about grace, and several dips into the cold sea to retrieve the errant football. Plus you’re a good guy overall!!



  2. Doug, thank you for the kind words. You have an idea of the isolation we live in out here. I have a longing to be reunited with friends and family. You also saw the pictures of Drew and Melissa’s new daughter Grace. Ever since we received those photos I have started to miss home more. I am looking forward to meeting Grace. I will make the most of the time here. Good to hear Edmonton winning a game. I hope there are more to come.


  3. Hey Alex. I wanted you and all of your fans to know that I think you are awesome and wonderful. I love you. 🙂 michelle
    ps. i am your #1 fan!


  4. We’re excited to be getting you guys back! Way to go Michelle for taking a dip … were you clothed? 🙂

    See you soon.


  5. Keep your chin up up…you’ll soon be firing on all cylinders again.
    Michelle:Monty would love to be there with you swimming!


  6. Emmy, Mrs. T was clothed.


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