Posted by: Turkadactyl | February 20, 2017

Sylvaneth- Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows WIP

Happy Family Day to any readers residing in Alberta.  #Squaduary is now in stage 3 will be coming to a close soon.  I started the month with Tree Revenants.  I’m pleased to say that the squad is complete and I will be revealing them closer to the end of the month.  Today I want to show my progress on the Kurnoth Hunters with greatbows, my second of two pledges for the event.


My first step is painting the bark.  I based the models with Scorched Brown and shade with Nuln Oil.  I drybrushed Scorched Brown, Dark Flesh, Sylvaneth Bark, Graveyard Earth with a final dusting of Terminatus Stone.  I realized after all the drybrushing happened that I was a wee bit harder with my brush strokes.  These models look lighter than my other models.  I contemplated starting over again but decided to go with it.  Once the other colours are down I don’t think there will be much difference.  Once way to find out I guess.



Now I’ve added some more colours to the models.


I’ve used Rakarth Flesh for the a base for the sprites and the exposed tree “flesh”.  I painted an arrow Rakarth Flesh because I originally planned to paint the whole arrow white with a Gulliman Blue glaze.  These models do not have too much pink on them so I changed my mind.  I can use pink on the fletching to up the pink factor.


It’s too bad the Huntmaster is the only model with fungus growing on it.  I like the look of the fungus.  It adds some character to the model.  The base colour is Scab Red with a Squig Orange highlight.  I applied a coat of Agrax Earthshade after.

I plan on gluing two of the quiverlings after the bases are drybrushed.  They sit low to the base.  It will be easier to paint them separate.  I did glue one quiverling since it’s pose didn’t hinder me from painting it, the base or the Kurnoth Hunter.


The gold was based with Retributor Armour and two coats of Burnished Gold.



One of the wings was knocked off this sprite.  I was trying to figure out how to fix it and I decided on cutting off the remaining three wings to give it a serpentine look.  Problem solved.

I still have a bit of work to with these models.  I have no doubt that these models will be complete by the end of the month.

Thanks for reading.  Be sure to check out the progress of the other #Squaduary participants.


  1. Really cool mate. Lovely contrasts. You’ve turned me around on this faction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s been a nice break painting this army. The break from 40K has been refreshing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice work

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Fred. You’ll have to come over for a visit sometime and I can show you in person.


  3. They are looking great. I love the yellow on the bows. It looks really stunning with the pink leaves

    Liked by 1 person

    • I still have some work to do on the bows. I highlight them with a 50-/50 mix of Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver. It has a cooling effect on the gold that matches the colours.

      I’m still visiting your site. The commenting system has changed. Looks like I need to start a Turkadactyl google account.


      • It look really good, I might be trying that gold method myself. This army is just really stunning. Going back through the posts I missed and wow, they look good. You inspired me to buy some Sylvaneth, but after a bit of thought I have decided to go down a much darker route with them (lots of conversions and textured paint involved 🙂 )

        Yes I went to google+ Comments, but I am not sure it has been a good switch as interaction has gone down a bit. ( I have not posted up a huge amount tho recently as life has been busy, and hobby always suffers) I may bite the bullet and go to disqus, but it means losing all my comments as it does not gel with blogger

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sweet, you’ve started a Sylvaneth army. I have no doubt it will look stunning, especially with your conversion skill set. I look forward to your Sylvaneth posts.

        Life stuff happens. November and December were super busy for me so there was hardly any hobby time at all. Disqus seems to be the way to go. I’ve had some readers state they would prefer that I go with Disqus. I have to fork out some extra dough to WordPress to make that happen. I’m coming up to my limit for memory so I will have to “upgrade” soon.


  4. Man I frikking love those models and you are doing great work with them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You do make those model so tempting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Kurnoth Hunters are my favourite for the line. Give in, start a new army. Gwa ha ha ha…


    • Thanks for the kind words. GW did a great job sculpting these models.


  5. I love the treeman running with its bow. Very cool pose. And as alway, impeccable painting. This army will be absolutely amazing once completed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The models is designed to run. I like the dynamic pose but there are a few pieces in the leg that have to be glued together. I dropped one Kurnoth Hunter and I had some surgery to do. Wish the legs were a bit more solid.


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